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Director : Grace Taylor

Musical Director : John Reddell

Choreographer: Anthony Whiteman

Set & Costume Design : PJ McEvoy

Light Designer : Andy Graham

Sound Deign: Rachel Sampley

Fanatical is a new Sci- Fi Musical by Reina Hardy and Matt Board.


If you’re a Sci Fi fan, you’ll find something to love in Fanatical.


If you’ve attended Sci Fi conventions, you’ll recognise something of yourself – and others – in the characters which have been lovingly and sympathetically portrayed in this two hour adventure with a ‘family’ comprised of geeks and misfits.


In a distant Galaxy – the ragtag misfit crew of cargo ship Angel 8 are under the command of fearless pilot Iris Aucht.

Meanwhile…at a conference centre, somewhere in England – a ragtag misfit collection of 1,000 fans gather from all across the UK for Eight Con One, the first ever official convention of the cult TV show Angel 8.

Angel 8 started as a comic created by reclusive British Sci-fi author Scott Furnish. Its first TV outing ended on a shocking cliffhanger. With eager anticipation at the promise of a second series, these enthusiastic devotees have come together to celebrate their beloved series and to meet Scott face-to-face and hear his keynote speech.

Fanatical is about being true to oneself, finding love against the odds, and snatching triumph from the jaws of disaster – proving that no power in the universe can keep a story from its fans.

The production played at the Playground Theatre, and was produced by Neil Marcus and Rachel Kraftman for The Stables.

"A musical which, despite its small size, meets its mighty ambitions.'"

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